467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
06 Aug 1944 - MACR - Roy J. Doole - KIA
Roy J. Doole - KIA
2d Lt Roy J. Doole felt ill and wanted to vomit. He and the Radio Operator, S/Sgt Charles W. Moore, went into the bomb bay doors and asked the radio operator to step back as he was going to vomit. At this time 1st Lt Woodrow B. Downing, the bombardier, came to the entrance to the bomb bay and was watching: It appears as if Lt Doole lost consciousness as he slipped and fell out. Lt Downing grabbed for him but could not catch him. This occurred at an altitude of 3,000 feet at 0840 over the North Sea coordinates 5255N-0146Z.

Lt. Downing and S/Sgt Moore watched Lt Doole's body fall and about 50 feet before he hit the water they saw his chute open but not enough to break his fall. The radio operator contacted Horsham, giving them the location and asking that ASR be contacted. ASR appeared on the scene at 1050 contacting the aircraft which had been circling and searching the area from an altitude of 100 feet. At 1125 the aircraft had to discountinue the search as the ceiling dropped.
#092 - 08/06/1944 - Hamburg, Germany
42-95224 - 'Lonely Heart'
098-R0 - White, Charles John
791st Bombardment Squadron (H)
Adams, Ernest Paul
Baron, Michael Raphael
Breitlow, Robert Clarance
Doole, Roy James
Downing, Woodrow Earl
Hatten, Paul Van Buren
McCombs, Doyle (NMI)
Moore, Charles Harold
White, Charles John