467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
22 Aug 1944 - Clarence Reed - Eyewitness Account
Eyewitness Account
Statement of Tail Gunner, A/C 42-95224

I was the Tail Gunner and in the turret when it happened. THe time was 1625. I felt something hit, then pieces of the plane were flying by the tail. I saw a P-47 going down but I didn't see anybody bail out. I could see the air full of pieces and the P-47 going down, but didn't see the P-47 hit our plane.
#P01 - 08/22/1944 -
42-95224 - 'Lonely Heart'
42-22790 - 'Little Pete'
094-R1 - Rice, John Wade
791st Bombardment Squadron (H)
Angle, William Milton
Baker, Harvey Hubert
Blocker, Olin Berve
Bublitz, Edwin Charles
Climer, Ted Harold
Dadig, Albert Sylvester
Devlin, Thomas Edward
Horak, James Robert
Owen, Bruce Wilmot
Reed, Clarence (NMI)
Rice, John Wade
Smith, Walter Ray
Wallace, Albert Louis