467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
467th Video: Kirby Kids
2023 Reunion - Kirby Kids
Our last stop of the day took us to St. Andrews Church, Kirby Bedon, forever associated by the crash of “Broad and High” piloted by Lt. Roger Leister in August 1944 and the subsequent relationship of villagers, “the Kirby kids” in the ensuing years. Roger’s daughter, Joanne and husband “Woody” was among our party and it was an emotional return visit to meet with the “kids” who were on the scene in August 1944 pulling out crew members from the stricken bomber. St. Andrews Church in October 44 conducted a memorial service to the tragic loss of 4 airman aboard “Broad and High” which was attended by Col. James J. Mahoney formerly C.O. of Roger’s 788th Squadron, Roger Leister too recovered from the worst of his injuries. A prominent memorial plaque to the four airman was dedicated and remains today a significant reminder of the day “Broad and High” came down narrowly missing the village