467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 041 • Bourges, France • 04 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF mission #390 saw 275 bombers dispatched to bomb 8 coastal defense positions in the Pas de Calais area using PFF in a continuation of Operation 'Cover'. 185 B-24s of the 2nd BD hit airfields (at Bourges, Romorantin/Prunieres, Bretigny, and Avord) and the Melun bridges. The 467th was part of a force of 23 to attack the airfield at Bourges.

The 467th BG flew the high right position on the 458th BG. Fourteen aircraft started their takeoff at 15:15. The 467th finished their assembly 20 minutes early, however, the 458th was still not assembled at the briefed time and the formation had to take the position of the last wing in the Division. No difficulty was had on the briefed route to target. Difficulty was had on the bomb run. The target could not be picked up until about two minutes away. Because the target had been previously bombed, and bombs from the Groups ahead of the formation hitting the field, made visibility difficult. The results of the raid were poor.

The Group Lead was Lt Seiler flying with Lt Hanna on 42-94963 with crew #076-R0 of the 791st BS. Lt Seward, flying 41-29388 'Slick Chick with crew #091-R0 of the 791st BS, was Deputy Lead for the Group.

Three aircraft turned back prior to target. Two, 41-29386 'Gerocko' flown by Lt Redick (with crew #079-R0 of the 791st BS) and 42-52561 'Squitch / Ruptured Duck' flown by Lt Martin (with crew #065-R1 of the 790th BS) were due to mechanical issue's. 42-95237 'Normandy Queen', flown by Lt Tormoen with crew #085-R1 of the 791st BS, had trouble with the fuel transfer system. The failure was determined to be due to personal error.

No enemy fighters were encountered. Flak was intense, however, not on the course the Group was flying. No aircraft were lost or personnel injured.