467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 208 • Plauen, Germany • 05 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #929: 1358 bombers dispatched to ordnance depots, marshalling yards, and airfields as primary targets. The 2AD sent 397 ships to target railway centers and yards at Plauen, Hof, and Bayreuth, visually. The 96CBW were assigned Hof railway center and an ordnance depot at Bayreuth.
The 467th dispatched 38 ships in four squadrons, assigned to fly in an "A" and "B" Wing of the 96CBW with the first squadron in "A" Wing flying high right. The other 3 467th squadrons were assigned to fly with the 96CBW "B"Wing.
The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0645hours and assembled on the continent at Liege. The weather was a significant factor affecting the mission throughout. "B" Wing had problems firstly finding the formation and 8 ships made a premature early return. Those remaining attached themselves to "A" Wing.
Leading "A" Wing was Capt Sturgis with the Lt Williams Crew#080-R3 aboard 44-49591, deputy lead was Capt Jerome with Lt Sawyer Crew#084-R3 aboard 42-50949. The "B" Wing 96CBW lead was Maj Green with Capt Elliott Crew#095-R1 aboard 44-48852, deputy lead was Capt Voyles with Lt McCabe Crew#081-R4 aboard 44-48860. Second squadron of "B" Wing was led by Lt Moseley aboard 42-51832 and third squadron by Lt Barry Crew#091-R3 aboard 42-51671.
Weather continued to affect the mission approaching the target area. 10/10ths cloud precluded bombing visually and the 467th bombed by H2X radar at 1141hours at 19,500ft on the secondary of Plauen. 24 aircraft were effective with 9 ships in the first, and 5 each left in the three other squadrons. The Leathers Crew#074 and Sadonis Crew#067-R3 of the 790th bombed with the 446th BG at Bayreuth, while the 788th Lt McLarty Crew#016-R2 bombed with a B17 41 Wing unit at Ingolstadt. Three further ships had mechanical problems also failing to bomb, adding a further two among the early returns for failing to find the formation.
The 96CBW narrative reports weather conditions as such made this a difficult mission. Some aircraft had trouble finding their formations, causing part of these to fly with other Wings and Groups, or abandon the mission all together. After the target(s) withdrawal was difficult due to the weather which broke up the Division, causing some groups to pick their way out among the clouds. Two Me-262s were reported in the vicinity of the IP but no attacks were made on the Wing formations. No reported flak was encountered throughout the mission.
All Group ships returned to Rackheath with no loss or damage in an 8hour plus mission for many. Fighter support was good.
Additional comment: Ken Close Pilot Crew#033-R1 789th
35th Mission - marshalling yards at Plauen attacked as the secondary - primary was Hof visually. Up 8:30; 2700 gallons topped off; carried 10 x 500lb GP bombs. Assembled over the continent at Liege in very poor weather, but with luck found lead ships in that area. Left the assembly aircraftwith about 10 aircraft (should have been 39), and picked up about 15 more over Coblenz in better weather. No flak at target, and no fighter attacks although they were reported around. Weather on way back was terrific; flew through 10/10ths of cloud with ice, hail, rain, fog, snow, etc - after passing through the first batch of it, we had just five ships left out of some dozen that had been with us. In the second batch of clouds we lost the lead ships too, and flew our own instruments until catching another of our squadrons over the channel, where it was clear. Out of 39 ships dispatched, eleven failed to make the assembly and returned with bombs, and four others bombed with other groups - including B-17 groups. Only two of the four second division wings went into the target, the others abandoned the mission.