467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 020 • Sottevast, France • 05 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
Mission #339 this day by the 8th AF was a small one. 46 B-24s from the 2nd BD were dispatched to bomb the V-weapon site at Sottevast, France The mission was to be a "Gee-H" led mission.

Twenty-four aircraft from the Group started taking off at 0453. Each was carrying 6x1000lbs bombs. Great difficulty was encountered during assembly due to dense contrails, and the failure of a PFF ship to arrive on schedule. Twelve ships had trouble finding the formation at assembly and attached themselves to another formation. Two aircraft returned early because of mechanical difficulties, and a third because of an acutely ill radio operator. Two others returned to base after losing the formation in the clouds.

Only seven ships reached the target (as the other formations had turned back due to weather). When the Gee-H equipment failed on the PFF ship, the Group had to make a second run and bomb by visual means. Only six of the aicraft bombed the target as the seventh had run low on fuel and had to leave the formation.

There was no enemy air opposition and some meager flak was encountered. Clouds over the target prevented observation of bombing results. No aircraft were lost or crew casualties occured.