467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 209 • Halle, Germany • 06 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #930: smaller force of 659 bombers dispatched to targets in the Leipzig area. The 2AD sent 207 aircraft to target marshalling yards at Halle, this was the target for the 96CBW.

The 467th dispatched 20 ships in two squadrons, and assigned to fly high left of the leading 458th.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0606hours and assembled on the continent at Liege. Bombing was by H2X at 0939hours from 22,000ft.

Capt Rothchild with the Lt Scott Crew#090-R3 aboard "School Daze" 44-50250 led the first squadron, deputy lead was Lt Dunnam Crew#083-R3 aboard "Lucky 'Leven" 44-48820. Second squadron was led by Capt Ridgway with Lt Meyer Crew#077-R5.

Both squadrons attacked by means of H2X radar through 10/10ths cloud cover over the target, with bombing results unobserved. The briefed route was followed with only minor deviations. The IP turn, bomb-run, and Wing rally were normal, but B-17 formations interfered with the Division rally. Withdrawal was completed with only minor deviations. No flak or enemy aircraft were encountered.

No Group aircraft suffered loss or damage with all returning to Rackheath. Fighter support very good.

Additional comment: John Shirk Bombardier

"23rd Mission - Halle, Germany. Friday 6th April 1945. Time - 7hrs 25min. Target - railroad workshops. Bomb load - 4x 500lb M17 incendiaries = 2,000lbs
We led the group today it was the first time and we didn't do too bad. It was a long haul and there was an undercast all the way in and out. We made an H2X run. Mickey finished up today. When we came back they made an instrument let down which made it all the more easier for me. A bit of flak and some groups were hit by fighters. We assembled on the continent because of weather near Liege."