467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 043 • Villers Bocage, France • 06 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:
Villers Bocage

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
The order for the second mission on D-Day was actually given after the order for the Group's third mission. This mission was quickly ordered in reaction to transpiring events. The 2nd BD dispatched 237 B-24's to attack tactical targets (primarily road junctions) just beyond the beaches. 34 aircraft from the 96th CBW were sent to attack Villers Bocage, a strategic road junction near the key city of Caen.

The 12 aircraft of the 467th dispatched on this mission began taking off at 0700. The group led the Wing, followed by the 466th BG and then 458th BG. The formation was composed of squadrons flying in trail, with a one minute interval and "stepped down". Unfortunately, no H2X (PFF) ships were available for this mission. There was no Division assembly as the formation flew in Wing formation and this was accomplished without difficulty.

The Group was led by Major Palmer, flying with Lt Monefeldt on 42-52525 'Six Bits' with crew #032-R0 of the 789th BS. Deputy Lead for the Group was Capt. Beatty who flew with Lt. Grace on 42-94881 with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS.

Cloud cover was 10/10 at the target, and without any PFF ships, the Group was unable to locate the target. The mission was recalled and all bombs were brought back to base.

No flak was encounter and no enemy fighters were seen. There were no casualties or aircraft lost.