467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 044 • Pontaubault, France • 06 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:
Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
Mission #395 for the 8th AF focused on transportation choke point's in towns immediately S and E of the assault area on the last D-Day mission. 709 bombers hit targets including Vire, Saint-Lo, Coutances, Falaise, Lisieux, Thury-Harcourt, Pont-lEveque, Argentan, and Conde-sur-Noireau. The 2nd BD dispatched 297 B-24's for this last mission on D-Day.

The 467th's target was the bridge at Pontaubault, a key transportation choke point leading to the Brittany Peninsula from the south. 18 aircraft began taking off at 16:30 hours and formed into two squadrons. The Group was joined by 2 PFF equipped ships from another Group at the assembly point. Group assembly was considered good despite the bad weather, however, the formation could not locate the "A" Group for the Wing assembly. The 467th subsequently formed on the 458th BG for the route to target.

Col. Shower led the Group, flying with one of the PFF ships. Deputy Lead was Capt. Garner, flying with Lt Sheehan on 42-95273 with crew #061-R0 of the 790th BS. The second squadron was led by Capt. Neitzel on the other PFF ship. Deputy Lead for the second squadron was Lt. Redick flying 42-95237 'Normandy Queen' with crew #079-R0 of the 791st BS.

5 aircraft returned early due to weather (could not find formation):
41-28750 'Thunder Mug', flown by Lt Kagy with crew #026-R0 of the 789th BS.
42-110168 'Old Iron Pants / The Perfect Lady', flown by Lt Rudowski with crew #045-R0 of the 789th BS.
41-29369 'Tender Comrade / Ole 369', flown by Lt Leyes with crew #094-R0 of the 791st BS.
42-50578 'Sky Room', flown by Lt Nussbaumer with crew #095-R0 of the 791st.
42-95224 'Lonely Heart', flown by Lt Rigsbee with crew #083-Ro of the 791st BS.

1 returned for mechanical reasons (faulty carburetors):
41-29270 'My Wild Irish Rose', flown by Lt Heltonwith crew #055-R0 of the 790th BS.

9/10 cloud cover created difficulty finding target and resulted in too short a bomb run. Results were not considered good. The pattern of bursts of the first squadron showed about 2000 ft east of the MPI bridge. The second squadron's pattern of bursts showed about 1 mile SE of MPI bridge.

No enemy fighters or flak was seen. There were no causalities or aircraft lost.