467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 023 • Florennes, Belgium • 09 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
Mission 347 for the 8th AF was the beginning of the pre-invasion bombing of enemy installations. 823 bombers are dispatched to hit marshaling yards and airfields in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. The 2nd BD dispatched 361 B-24's to attack multiple airfield targets and the marshaling yards at Liege.

The target on this mission for the 467th was an operational airfield at Florennes, Belgium. The 467th led the 96th CBW "Wing B", composed of four squadrons. Two from the 467th, and one each from the 44th and 389th BG's. Twenty-eight aircraft started taking off at 0600. All but two aircraft attacked the target. One (42-52394 'Palace Meat Market / Scrapper') was hit by flak at the coast and returned to base. 42-52559 'Miss Fortune' failed to bomb after reaching the target due to difficulty opening the bomb bay doors.

Col. Herzberg led the Group, flying with Lt. Sheehan on 42-50354 'Messie Bessie' with crew #061-R0 of the 790th BS. Capt. Neitzel, flying with Lt. Ford on 41-29378 'Homeward Bound' with crew #052-R0 of the 790th BS, was Deputy Lead for this squadron. Capt. Garner led the second squadron with Lt. Tormoen on 42-94881 with crew #015-R0 of the 788th BS. Lt. Driscoll was Deputy Lead flying on 41-29408 'Valiant Lady' with crew #007-R0 of the 788th BS.

Results of the mission were described as good. Moderate flak was encountered crossing the coast near Dunkirk and over the target. No enemy aircraft were encountered. There were no losses by the Group this day.