467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 048 • Blois , France • 11 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:
St. Denis Bridge
Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:

Very Good

more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
For the second day in a row, weather prevented operations against priority targets in Germany. 8th AF mission #405 instead dispatches 1,055 bombers to attack tactical targets in France in support of the invasion. Targets included airfields and rail targets in Brittany, the Loire Valley and in the area of Paris. 584 B-24s of the 2nd BD are dispatched to attack airfields at Cormeilles-en-Vexin, Beauvais/Nivelliers, Beaumont-sur-Oise, Creil, Poix, Montauban, Beauvais/Tille and Vicomte-sur-Rance. Rail targets (marshaling yards and bridges) at Montford and Blois are also targets

The 467th BG led the 96th CBW, and the "A" Wing of the 2nd BD, on the first mission by the Group on this day. The 15 aircraft from the Group started taking off at 0414 and formed into two squadrons. The 9 aircraft from the first squadron was joined by a PFF ship from the 44th BG. Assembly went very well. The route to target was hampered by haze and overcast. Prior to crossing the enemy coast a 360 degree turn was made in an attempt to reform the squadrons that had become separated. The attempt was unsuccessful and the Groups proceeded to target individually.

The first squadron was led by Col. Shower, flying with Lt. Volk on 42-95237 'Normandy Queen' with crew #030-R0 of the 789th BS. Deputy Lead was Capt. Neitzel, who flew with Lt. Lominack on 42-95004 'The Honey Wagon' with crew #028-R0 of the 789th BS. The second squadron was led by Major Holdredge. He flew with Lt. Campbell on 42-95057 'Angel' with crew #053-R0 of the 790th BS. Deputy Lead was Lt Graf on 41-29420 'Belle of the East' with crew #092-R0 of the 791st BS.

The target was the St. Denis railroad bridge over the Loire river at Blois, France. The bombing was done by visual means. The run was unusual for the Group It was the first "low level' bombing done by the Group as the formation descended to 6000'. SAV (Source Approval Verification) showed six bombs landing directly on the bridge causing the pans to collapse. Results for the mission were excellant.

All but three aircraft bombed with the Group. 42-95080 'Super Wolf' flown by Lt Thompson with crew #068-R0 of the 790th BS, 41-29380 flown by Lt. Johnson with crew #069-R0 of the 790th BS, and 41-29446 'Tangerine' Lt. Beaney with crew #070-R0 of the 790th BS all were unable to maintain formation with the 467th. They formed up with the 466th BG, which was flying the high right position on the 467th, and bombed the target with that formation.

There was no enemy resistance encountered. There were no casulties or aircraft lost.