467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 026 • Bohlen, Germany • 12 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
The 8th AF mission #353 dispatched 886 bombers to hit oil production facilities in Germany and Czechoslovakia. The 2nd BD sent 265 B-24's to attack oil faciities at Zeitz, Bohlen, Mersenburg in Germany and the Ostend Airfield in Belgium. The 467th was part of a group of 113 to attack the synthetic oil and power plant at Bohlen, Germany.

Two squadrons from the Group were sent to form a composite group with the 458th BG (flying the high right position) and 466th BG (also flying the high right position). Twenty-four aircraft (12 in each squadron) started takeoff at 0845. Two aircraft returned early. 41-29386 'Gerocko' had an inoperable fuel transfer pump and 42-50309 'Plow Jockey / Tenovus' landed shortly after takeoff when a smoke bomb "deteriorated" in the bomb bay creating the impression that the aircraft was on fire. One aircraft (41-29378 Homeward Bound') failed to bomb at the target because of a rack malfunction.

Capt. Beatty led the squadron, flying with the 458th BG, with Lt. Swearingen on 42-94963 with crew #078-R0 of the 791st BS. Deputy Lead for this squadron was Lt Grace on 42-94910 with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS. Lt. Hooten led the squadron flying with the 466th BG. He flew with Lt. Harris on 41-29363 with crew #029-R0 of the 789th BS. Deputy Lead was Lt. Grundmann on 42-52546 'Southern Clipper' with crew #033-R0 of the 789th BS.

At the Wing IP the squadron flying with the 466th BG had some difficulty staying on the briefed course after failing to see any flares. A target was picked and a run was made on the secondary target at Merseburg. The squadron flying with the 458th BG bombed the primary target with excellent results.

Flak was moderate and fairly accurate though only four aircraft suffered minor damage. No enemy fighters were encountered although 24 were seen.