467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 004 • Lechfeld, Germany • 13 Apr 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:

Not Good

more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
On this day, 626 bombers of the 8th AF (mission #301) were dispatched to hit targets in Germany . 211 B24's of the 2nd BD are sent to attack aviation targets at Oberpfaffenhofen, Lechfeld and lauffern. The 467th BG was part of a group of 93 aircraft that attacked the airfield at Lechfeld.

Twenty-eight aircraft took off starting at 1015. Of these, one returned during assembly due to mechanical difficulty; one went over the target, but could not release its bombs because of mechanical failure in the racks; another returned after leaving the formation over Germany due to engine failure, dropping its bombs on Germany; another ship dropped some of its bombs on a village in Germany, some in Luxemburg, and some in the Channel. Twenty-three aircraft dropped 196 x 100 lb incendiary bombs on the primary target. 

Major Smith, flying with Lt. Sheehan’s crew (790th Sq) led the group, and Capt. Beatty flew with Lt. Schott in the deputy lead position. Leading the second squadron, Captain Garner flew with Lt. Driscoll’s crew, and Lt. Herding flew deputy lead of that squadron. 

The bombing results were not good. Only 23 of the Group's aircraft dropped their bombs on target. One section dropped its bombs 3000 ft southeast of the MPI, and the other squadron dropped 2000ft east of the MPI. Moderate flak and fighter opposition were encountered, and considerable battle damage was inflicted. 

Of the 6 B24's lost this day by the 2nd BD, one was from the 467th BG. 42-52535 'Katy' was the first aircraft lost by the Group due to enemy action. She was flown by Lt. Caluori and crew #031-R0 from the 789th BS. She was last seen going down in the direction of Switzerland with a fire in the left wing, but still under control. Seven members of the crew managed to bail out and were taken prisoners of war. Sadly, three of the crew, including Lt Caluori, lost their lives.