467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 215 • Pointe De Grave, France • 14 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:
Ponte De Grave

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #948: 1167 bombers dispatched from all three Divisions to bomb visually enemy pockets on French Atlantic coast. The 2nd AD sent 336 aircraft with the 467th along with the 96th CBW attacking heavy gun emplacements at Pointe de Grave with the 458th leading the 96th CBW.

The 467th dispatched 25 ships in three squadrons of 9 and two 8 ship elements. Assembly took place on the continent near Liege and progress to the target was over Allied controlled territory all the way except for the target area. Weather was CAVU "Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited" for the entire mission.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0420 hours and bombing was made visually at 1029 hours from 16,000ft. The 788th Lt Weeks Crew #012-R2 flying "Everythin's Jake" 42-95234 made an early return leaving 24 ships to proceed to the target.

The lead first squadron was flown by Capt Rothchild with the Lt Scott Crew#090-R3 in 44-49591 with Deputy Lead flown by Capt McCarthy with the Lt Barry Crew#091-R3 in 44-48852. Second squadron was led by Lt Dunnam Crew#083-R3 in 42-50949, while third was led by Lt Moseley Crew #089-R6 in 42-51671.

All 24 ships were highly effective bombing the target visually with the SAVs revealing concentrated patterns on the MPI. No reported flak or enemy opposition was encountered over the target or en-route and return. The extended 9 hour mission necessitated four crews to land on various airfields on the continent for gas. These were the 789th Lt Sicks Crew #029-R3 and Lt Hipps Crew #032-R2, the 790th Lt Crump Crew #065-R4 and Lt Jones Crew #071-R5, while the 789th Lt Belingheri Crew #047-R2 opted to land at Manston before returning to Rackheath by 1615 hours.

All other ships returned safely with no loss or damage.

Additional comment: the 467th BG set a record in the 8th AF on this date for accuracy. Bombardier John Shirk completed his 25th mission and wrote the following upon return to base....

"Twenty-fifth mission, Pointe de Grave, France. Saturday April 14, 1945. Time 9hrs 15mins. - flat installations. Bomb load - 2x1000lb GP = 2000lbs.

Another good mission. We led the group again today. We assembled on the continent at Liege, and the route was entirely in friendly territory until we reached the target. We flew pretty close to Paris. The country down this way was very pretty. Our bombing was excellent. There were no fighters or flak."