467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 053 • Guyancourt, France • 17 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF mission #418 primarily targets airfields in France on the first mission of this day. 332 bombers are dispatched from the 1st and 2nd bomb divisions. The 3rd BD does not participate on this mission. The 2nd BD dispatches 158 B-24's from all the Combat Wings from the Division.

24 aircraft from the Group began their take off at 0813. The target was the airfield at Guyancourt. This was the second mission to attack the airfield in as many days. Assembly was as briefed as the two squadrons of the Group were joined by two PFF (Gee-H) equipped ships. The Group led the 96th CBW and was third in the Division formation.

The first squadron was led by Major Smith, flying with Lt. Volk on 42-95032 'Silver Chief' with crew #030-R0 of the 789th BS. Major Holdredge led the second squadron, flying with Lt. Ford on 42-95057 'Angel' with crew #052-R0 of the 790th BS.

The target was bombed as briefed through 10/10 cloud cover using GH radar. 10 ships (plus the PFF ship) bombed the target from the first squadron. All twelve ships (plus the PFF ship) from the second squadron bombed the target. The results of the mission were rated as unknown since the target could not be seen.

Two ships, 41-29380 flown by Lt Schwartz with crew #051-R2 of the 790th BS and 41-29397 'Slugger Jr' flown by Lt. Bryson with crew #056-R1 of the 790th BS, returned early to mechanical failure (oil leak and internal engine failure).

No enemy resistance was encountered. No aircraft were lost and no crew casualties were incurred.