467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 028 • Brunswick, Germany • 19 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
On this day, the 8th AF mission #358 dispatched 888 bombers to hit targets in Germany . Very heavy cloud cover forces the bombers to use the relatively new H2X ground scanning radar. The 2nd BD dispatched 300 B-24s to the industrial area at Brunswick.

Twenty-four aircraft were dispatched to attack the Wagram airdrome and aircraft assembly plant near Brunswick, Germany. Each B-24 carried 6x1000lb bombs and started taking off at 0850. Twenty-two aircraft attacked the target. 42-94910, flown by Lt. Keaton with crew #082-R0 of the 791st BS, lost the formation at assembly due to heavy cloud cover and returned to base. 41-29368 'Tailwind', flown by Lt. Russell with crew #036-R0 of the 789th BS, developed an iol leak and had to turn back at the IP.

Lt. Col. Herzberg, flying with Lt. Russell, led the 96th CBW with the first squadron of the 467th. When Lt Russell had to turn back, Major Holdridge, flying in a PFF ship from another Group, took the lead and completed the bomb run. The second squadron was led by Lt. Hooton flying with Lt. Monefled on 42-52525 'Six Bits' with crew #032-R0. The second squadron lost the formation due to heavy cloud cover but attached themselves to the 2nd CBW and bombed with that formation.

Bombing was done by PFF and the results were unknown due to cloud cover. No aircraft were lost and there were no casualties.