467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 199 • Hesepe, Germany • 21 Mar 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #901: 1408 bombers dispatched to target primarily jet fighter bases. The 2AD were assigned 4 airfields to target, the 467th with the 96CBW were assigned the airfield at Hesepe dispatching in excess of 165 bombers.

The 467th flew high left of the Wing Lead the 466th providing 36 ships in four squadrons.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0645hours in good weather.

Leading the Group was Capt Severance with Capt Elliott Crew#095-R1 aboard 44-49340, deputy lead was Capt Jerome with Lt Watson Crew#085-R2 aboard 44-48852. The second squadron was led by Lt Moseley Crew#089-R6 aboard 44-49591, the third squadron by Lt Summers with Lt Holum Crew#088-R2 aboard "Lucky 'Leven" 44-48820 and the forth by Capt Ridgeway with Lt Barry Crew#091-R3 aboard 44-48860.

Group and Wing assemblies were accomplished in good order, and the briefed route closely followed with only minor deviations. The 788th Lt Hulett Crew#013-R4 lost #4 engine and turned back at 0855hours leaving 35 ships to bomb visually from 21,000ft at 0944hours. Results were very good with concentrated patterns on the MPI and scattered hits in the immediate area. Meager and inaccurate flak was encountered in the target area, but no enemy fighters seen.

All ships returned safely to Rackheath with no loss or damage. Fighter support was very good.

Additional comment: Lt Ken Close, pilot 789th Crew#033-R1

".....30th mission - airfield at Hesepe (14 miles north west of Osnabruck). Carried 40 100lb fragmentation bombs, should have been 52 but didn't have time to load the ships (which is OK with me, the lighter the load the better it is). Carried 2300 gallons of gas, up 5 hours (shortest mission yet), no flak of any accuracy at all. More like this would be appreciated by all....."