467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 200 • Kitzingen, Germany • 22 Mar 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #906: All 8th AF Groups made attacks on barracks, military encampments and airfields in southern Germany, dispatching 1331 bombers. The 2AD were assigned airfield targets at Kitzingen, Giebelstadt, and Schwab-Hall, sending 342 aircraft. The 467th with the 96CBW were assigned the airfield at Kitzingen.

The 467th led the Wing , providing 29 ships in three squadrons.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0815hours in good weather.

Leading the Group and Wing was Maj Taylor with the Capt Littleford Crew#079-R1 aboard 44- 48860, deputy lead was Capt Rothchild with the Lt Johnson Crew#086-R3 aboard "Lucky 'Leven" 44-48820. Second squadron was led by Capt Voyles with the Lt Holum Crew#088-R2 aboard 42- 51671, and third led by Lt Scott Crew#090-R3 aboard 42-51832.

Group and Wing assemblies were accomplished in good order, and the briefed route closely followed. All three Group squadrons of 29 ships bombed visually at 1341hours at the unusually low altitude of 14,000ft with excellent patterns seen on the MPI and across the airfield. Four to six twin-engine enemy fighters were reported around the Swiss border and over the battle line but no attacks were made on the Wing. Meager and inaccurate flak was encountered over the battle line, but none was reported in the target area.

All 29 ships returned safely to Rackheath after an 8 hour mission with no loss or damage. Fighter support was good.

Additional comment: Lt John Shirk, bombardier Lt Scott Crew#090-R3

"....20th mission - airfield at Kitzingen. Thursday March 22nd 1945. Time - 7hours 40. Carried 4x500lb GP = 2000lbs.

This was another long haul down into southern Germany. We led the third squadron again today. Our bombing was not very good. We saw Lake Constance, Switzerland, also Zurich and the Alps. It was really beautiful country down there. The best thing is the mission was flak free but we did see several Me-262s in the distance. P-51s chased them though. On the way home we saw large smoke screens above Coblenz laid down by our armies....."