467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 032 • Melun, France • 24 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
On 8th AF Mission #367, 1,106 bombers are dispatched on visual attacks on airfields in the Paris area and PFF and visual bombing of Berlin. The 2nd BD dispatched 490 B-24's to bomb airfields at Melun, Orly, Pixand and Creil. The 467th is part of 168 to bomb the airfiled at Melun.

The two squadrons of the Group were split on the mission. They flew the high right position on the 466th and 458th Bomb Groups. Twenty-five aircraft started their takeoff at 0502. 12 flew in the "466th" squadron and 13 flew with the "458th" squadron. Assembly was excellent, however, difficulty was had in the Division assembly line as the 458th BG "over ran" the 466th BG causing the second squadron to have "great difficulty" trying to keep is proper position. Once the enemy coast was reached, and proper altitude achieved, the route was accomplished as briefed.

Major Wallace led the first squadron (466th), flying with Lt. Hanna on 42-94963 with crew #076-R0 of the 791st BSD. Lt Grace flew Deputy Lead on 42-52499 'Jerilune Sue' with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS. Major Holdridge flew Lead for the second squadron (458th), with Lt. Ford on 41-29378 'Homeward Bound' with crew #052-R0 of the 790th BS. Deputy Lead was flown by Lt. Newhouse on 42-95154 '100 Proof' with crew #057-R1 of the 790th BS.

All twenty-five aircraft were over the target, however, only twenty bombed the target. Deputy lead for the second squadron (458th) accidentally released it's bombs when they opened their bomb bay doors. Four other ships, spotting the bombs, dropped on the lead.

No flak was encountered and no enemy fighters were seen. There were no casualties or aircraft lost.