467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 204 • Hitzacker, Germany • 25 Mar 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #913: 1009 bombers of all three divisions took off for attacks on seven oil plants and a tank factory. Bad weather during assembly and the increasing possibility of adverse conditions on return caused 1AD and 3AD to be recalled. 2AD had by then been dispatched and the 96CBW targeted the oil depot at Hitzacker with its associated rail sidings.

The 458th led the Wing with the 467th flying high right in three squadrons comprising 29 ships.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0545hours.

Leading was Capt Severance with the Lt Williams Crew#080-R3 aboard 44-49591, deputy lead was Lt Dunnam Crew#083-R3 aboard 44-48860. Second squadron was led by Lt Johnston Crew#086-R3 aboard 44-50325 while leading the third was Capt Jerome with the Lt Meyer Crew#077 aboard "School Daze" 44-50250.

Weather affected both Group and Wing assemblies. The 789th Lt Genger Crew#026-R2 assigned to the third squadron failed to assemble due weather and made an early return. Weather also prevented contact with the 96CBW Wing Lead in Assembly Area CP1 and CPA despite a 360degree turn at Wing Leader's recommendation. Attempted contact was again made over the North Sea and at CP2 with another 360degree turn, but to no avail. The 467th element then elected to join the 14CBW and continued to the target along the briefed route. Bombing was visual from 19,000ft with all 28 ships successfully dropping. SAVs showed an excellent patterns on the MPI. No flak reported at the target although some Me262s were seen in the vicinity but did not press attack.

All 28 Group ships returned to Rackheath with no loss or damage. Fighter support was good.