467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 033 • Mulhouse, France • 25 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
Mission #370 of the 8th AF saw 406 bombers dispatched to make make visual attacks on rail installations and airfields in Belgium and France. The 2nd BD dispatched 307 B-24's to attack the marshaling yards at Belfort and Mulhouse. The 467th BG was part of 134 to bomb the railroad marshaling yards at Mulhouse.

Twenty-four aircraft started taking off at 0520. During assembly a group of B-17's flew through the assembly area, scattering the formation somewhat and causing considerable difficulty. Once the Wing was assembled, the 467th BG took the high right position. After the enemy coast was reached, the trip to the target was "uneventful".

Capt. Doenges led the group, flying with Lt. Monefeldt on 42-50309 'Plow Jockey / Tenovus' with crew #032-R0 of the 789th BS. Lt. Hooton flew Deputy Lead with Lt. Harris on 41-29363 with crew #029-R0 of the 789th BS. The second squadron was led by Capt. Bestty, flying with Lt. Grace on 41-29375 'Lil' Peach' with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS. Deputy Lead for the second squadron was Lt. Tormoen on 41-29450 'Seilers Beavers' with crew #085-R1 of the 791st BS.

All twenty-four ships attacked the target with excellent results. There were no attacks on the Group by enemy aircraft and flak was very meager. No aircraft were lost or casualties incurred.