467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 012 • Mannheim, Germany • 25 Apr 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
554 bombers of the 8th AF were dispatched on Mission #317 to ht marshaling yards and airfields in France and Germany. The 2nd BD sent 199 B-24's to hit the marshaling yard at Mannheim, Ger.

Twenty-two aircraft from the Group took off around 0655. Many ships were late in taking off because bomb load instructions were late in arriving from the 2nd BD headquarters and there was insufficient time to load the planes. Only ten ships were in formation when the Group departed from the Group Assembly Point (Splasher 5), however, the other ships joined en route.

Due to the delay, the Group never actually reached its designated position in the formation. One ship (41-29408 'Valiant Lady') returned from the Paris area due to mechanical difficulty. Five ships (41-29388 'Slick Chick', 41-28695 'Ruth Marie', 41-29386n 'Gerocko', 41-29393 'Shoo Shoo Baby' and 42-52424 'Jack the Ripper') hit assorted targets of opportunity with other groups after becoming separated from the formation. These five ships landed away from Rackheath ('388' at Boreham, '695' at Old Buckingham, '424' at Boreham, '386' at Woodbridge and '393' at ???). All others either brought all bombs back or jettisoned them in the Channel to decrease fuel consumption.

Lt. Col Herzberg led the group in Lt Werdung’s ship (41-29373 'Flak Magnet / The Monster' with crew #003-R0 of the 788th BS). Lt. Moore flew deputy lead on 41-29408 'Valiant Lady' with crew #011-R0, however, returned early due to mechanical difficulty. Lt. Hensley, flying 42-52530 'Bugs Bunny' with crew #090-R0 of the 791st BS, filled in the gap in the formation. Major McManus led the second squadron in Lt. Schott’s ship (42-52512 'Baff'ling Brat' with crew #051-R0 of the 790th BS).

Enemy fighters were seen attacking other formations but did not bother this group, which enjoyed excellent fighter cover. Considerable accurate flak was encountered.