467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 022 • Brunswick, Germany • 08 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
807 bombers are dispatched to hit targets in Germany for 8th AF Mission #344. Due to heavy cloud cover, this was to be a PFF mission. 307 B-24s of the 2nd BD are dispatched to hit the Wagram Airdrome and aircraft assembly factory near Brunswick

The 467th BG, for the second mission in a row, was to provide three squadrons for composite formations with other Bomb Groups. The first squadron, made up of eleven ships, was to fly high right on the 466th BG. The second squadron of twelve ships flew high right on the 458th BG. The third squadron, made up of ten ships, flew low left on the 392nd BG.

The thirty-three aircraft of the group started taking off at 0610. Three aircraft returned prior to bombing. One (41-28750 'Thunder Mug') returned shortly after takeoff with an oil leak in the #3 engine. 41-29499 'Jerilyne Sue' developed a fuel leak just within enemy territory. 41-29363 returned from within enemy territory with an engine failure.

The first squadron (466th BG) was led by Major Palmer flying with Lt. Monefeldt on 42-52525 'Six Bits' with crew #032-R0 of the 789th BS. Capt Beatty led the second squadron (358th BG) with Lt. Swearingen's on 42-94963 with crew #078-R0 of the 791st BS. The third squadron was led by Capt. Doenges flying with Lt. Grace on 41-29375 'Lil Peach' with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS.

The bombing results were not observed due to clouds over target. While the flak was generally mild, enemy fighter activity was very active. One aircraft (42-52477) was seen to turn over on it's back and go down just after the target. She was flown by Lt. Harrison and crew #018-R0 of the 788th BS. Four members of the crew were able to bail out, and subsequently taken POW. Sadly, Lt Harrison and the other five members of his crew were killed.

One other B-24 was heavily damaged. The following is from the S-3 Narrative for the mission:

"One of our aircraft (42-52542 'Stinger') from the Second Squadron, composite with the 458th, piloted by Lt. Murphy, who was on his first mission as a pilot and sho was with a strange crew, was viciously attacked by two MW 109's just before bomb release time. Eifght 20 MM cannon shell and 40 machine gun bullets entered the ship during this subsequent attack. The number 4 engine was immediately knocked out, a shell exploded on the trailing edge of the right wing, shattering the main spar and shredding the rear section of the wing in the outer section for a distance of 20 feet and to a depth of 12 to 18 inches. The dome was knocked off the top turret, the shell exploding in the plane and painfully burning the engineer and pilot. Another shell entered the flight deck severing radio and electrical controls. Still another penetrated the nose turret hurling a large section of glass into the base of the pilot's seat. All control to the right landing gear were also destroyed. The pilot, unable to keep up with the formation, cut inside it's course and after flying 50 to 60 miles, rejoined it. During the period the engineer observed the right wing smoking and gasoline leaking from the rear tank, He therefore proceeded successfully to transfer the fuel to an inside and safe tank. The aircraft was, during this period, also under continuous attack by enemy aircraft and the tailgunner claims on shot down in flames After leaving the Dutch coast the aircraft was again left behind, but it's navigator gave the pilot a single heading which brought it straight to the home station. As the plane reached the English Coast the number 3 engine cut out and when the pilot started to lower the gear, preparation to landing, only one wheel would lower. It was then impossible to raise this wheel. The pilot gained altitude and ordered the crew to bail out. Six of them did so and landed with no critical injuries. By trick, the other two were also persuaded to bail out and then the pilot, with two engines out, no serviceable right landing flap and only one wheel, brought the plane down for a perfect one wheel landing."