467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 025 • Epinal, France • 11 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #350 was an all 2nd BD effort. 364 B-24's were dispatched to bomb marshaling yards in France. The 467th BG was part of a formation of 76
bombers to attack the airfield at Epinal.

Twenty-nine aircraft took of starting at 1010. Each was loaded with 5x1000lb general purpose bombs. Only twenty-two attacked the target. Five returned early due to mechanical difficulties. Those were 41-29446 'Tangerine', 41-28744 'Go Getter', 41-29420 'Belle of the East', 42-52350 'Volk's Virgin Vultures' and 41-29385 'Double Trouble'. One was unable to gain altitude above 10,000' (42-52561 'Squitch / Ruptured Duck') and one (41-29408 'Valiant Lady') was damaged by flak near Chartres.

Col. Shower lead the Group in Lt. Werdung's ship (42-94881 with crew #003-R0 of the 788th BS). Capt. Seccafico flew Deputy Lead with Lt Wills on 42-95115 'Topper II' with crew #002-R0 of the 788th BS. Capt Neitzel led the second squadron with Lt. Campbell on 41-29378 'Homeward Bound' with crew #053-R0 of the 790th BS. Lt Thompson flew Deputy Lead for the second squadron on 44-40070 'Mademoiselle Zig Zig' with crew #068-R0 of the 790th BS.

Flak was intense and accurate on the way to the target, but meager over the target. This fact, and the complete absense of enemy fighters, influenced the Group in making a swecond run over the target when (due to clouds anbd unexpected winds) the first run was a failure.

One ship was lost on this mission. 42-50354 'Messie Bessie', flown by Lt. Shoup and crew #054-Ro of the 790th BS, reported over VHF that his gas supply was low shortly after pasing the Group Rally Point. He was last seen heading toward Switzerland. A report from P/W authorities at 2nd BD stated that the plane had made a normal landing at Geneva Switzerland. The plane and crew were interned for the duration of the war. Results of the raid were described as fair.

This was the last mission flown by the 788th BS (1st Org) prior to their transfer to the 801st/492nd BG "Carpetbaggers".