467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 029 • Rheims, France • 20 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
The mission #359 for the 8th AF saw 638 bombers dispatched to hit targets in France and Belgium. The 2nd BD dispatched 177 B-24's to bomb the Reims Airfield and marshaling yard in France.

Sixteen aircraft of the Group took off starting at 0835. The 467th BG was to fly the high right squadron of the 466th BG (which was leading the Wing and Division). The lead squadron for the 466th was flying somewhat higher than the briefed altitude, forcing the 467th squadron fly higher than briefed in return. This put the Group into a cloud layer to dense to fly a formation through. The Group dispersed and tried to reform but only found small formations from other Groups that "seemed lost". After some time, it was determined it was best to abandon the mission for there was no chance of catching the rest of the Wing.

One aircraft did manage to attack the target. 42-52350 'Volks Virgin Vultures', flown by Lt. Robinson with crew #041-R0 of the 789th BS, got detached from the Group during assembly. They attached themselves to the 453rd BG and bombed the railroad marshaling yards at Rheims with fair results. One other aircraft, 42-52507 'Miss Judy' flown by Lt. Gebauer with crew #035-R0 of the 789th BS, developed an oil leak and returned early.