467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 035 • Zeitz, Germany • 28 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
The 8th AF dispatched 1,341 bombers to hit oil targets in Germany on mission #376. The 2nd BD dispatched 311 B-24s to attack oil targets at Merseburg/Leunaand Zeitz-Troglitz, Limburg, Memmingen, and Saalfeld. The 467th was part of a formation of 187 bombers to attack the oil refinery and gas generating plant at Zeitz, Germany.

The 467th dispatched two squadrons to support the 466th and 458th Bomb Groups, flying the high right position on each. Twenty-five aircraft, 11 in the first (466th )squadron and 14 in the second (459th) squadron, started taking off at 1016. The first squadron assembled and proceeded to the target without difficulty. At the target, the lead squadron of the 466th BG had trouble locating the target and veered off target. The 467th squadron had little trouble in synchronizing on the target and was well set up when the 466th apparently saw the target and changed their heading, which put them on a collision course with the 467th. The 466th passed just beneath the 467th squadron. Fortunately, the 466th cleared just in time for the 467th to release their bombs on target.

The second (458th) squadron also assembled and proceeded to the target without difficulty. At the target, the 458th crossed the 467th course of travel forcing the 467th to hold their bombs. A decision was made to make another bomb run. Due to heavy flak at Leipzig, and short 360º turn was made which gave the bombardier an approximately 30 second run. The Group came out of the turn and bombed at which time tehy found themselves to be on the high right of the 14th CBW. The return to base was made in this position.

Of the twenty-five aircraft, twenty-two attacked the primary target. Two of the others bombed targets of opportunity. 42-52530 'Bugs Bunny', flown by Lt. Wescott with crew #087-R0 of the 791st BS, suffered supercharger trouble within Germany. On their withdrawal a run was made on an airfield five miles north of Meppel. Lt Mulheran, flying 42-52303 'Topper' with crew #060-R0 of the 790th BS, failed to join the Group at assembly. He did join a loose formation of the 492nd BG and released his bombs on their leader. 41-29380, flown by Lt Harkonen (flying his first mission) with crew #059-R0 of the 790th BS, returned early when the oxygen line servicing the top turret and radio table was out when the turret was rotated while the servicing hose was in position. This return was charged to personnel failure.

The first squadron (466th) was led by Lt Seiler flhying with Lt Swearingen on 42-94963 with crew #078-R0 of the 791st BS. Deputy Lead for this squadron was Lt Hanna flying 42-94910 with crew #076-R0 of the 791st BS. The second squadron was led by Major Holdridge, flying with Lt Sheehan on 42-95273 with crew #061-R0 of the 790th BS. Deputy Lead was Lt Monefeldt on 42-95004 'The Honey Wagon' with crew #032-R0 of the 789th BS.

No flak or enemy fighters was encountered. No aircraft were lost or personnel injured.