467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 036 • Tutow, Germany • 29 May 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
Mission #379 for the 8th AF saw 993 bombers dispatched to attack aircraft plants and oil installations in Germany and Poland. The 2nd BD dispatched 443 B-24's to hit an oil terminal at Politz and an airfield and aircraft assembly plant at Tutow. The 467th was part of the force of 167 bombers to attack the airfield an Folke-Wolf assembly factory at Tutow, Germany.

Twenty-eight aircraft took off as briefed at 0700. Group assembly was done without difficulty. There was some difficulty experienced while the Wing assembled with the Division. The trip to the target was as briefed and with out difficulty, however, the Rally was not as briefed and the formation was flown over a heavy flak area.

The lead squadron was led by Capt Doenges fling with Lt. Volk on 42-50309 'Plow Jockey / Tenovus' with crew #030-R0 of the 789th BS. Deputy Lead for this squadron was Lt Hooton flying with Lt Harris on 42-52525 'Six Bits' with crew #029-R0 of the 789th BS. The second squadron was led by Capt Beatty who flew with Lt Grace on 41-29375 'Lil' Peach' with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS. Deputy Lead for this quadron was Lt Tormoen on 42-94910 with crew #085-R1 of the 791st BS.

All twenty-eight aircraft attacked the target. Shortly after leaving the target, 41-29450 'Seilers Beavers' was hit by flak which caused a fire and loss of speed. The ship was hit again and observed to crash into the sea. Eight of the ten crew managed to bailout over the North Sea. Sadly, Lt Stephens, and the Engineer Charles Peacock (who was last seen holding the bomb bay doors open) never bailed out and were killed when the plane crashed into the sea. Two others were also killed when they drowned before they could be rescued. The six others were made POW.