467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 045 • Lisieux, France • 07 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:

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Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
The 8th AF mission #397 was a series of air attacks against congested points to delay movement of more enemy forces into the Normandy area. 473 bombers, including 20 PFFs, are dispatched to hit Conde sur Noireau, Falaise, Argentan, Vascoeuil, Laigle and Lisieux. 293 B-24's of the 2nd BD were dispatched to attack four tactical targets in the Le Mans area. 12 PFF ships were available for this mission. The 467th BG was part of a force of 83 B-24's from the 96th CBW to attack a bridge and road intersection at Lisieux, France (located to the east of Caen).

The 13 aircraft of the 467th began taking off at 1050 hours. Assembly was hampered by a cloud deck that topped at 8,000 ft, and a haze deck that started at 13,000 ft. Assembly was completed by 1240 and the squadron took up the low left position on the 458th in the Group 'B' formation of the Wing. The briefed route to target was restricted by clouds to the west so an alternate route was flown.

Capt. Doenges led the Group, flying with Lt Volk on 42-50309 'Plow Jockey / Tenovus' with crew #030-R0 of the 789th BS. Lt Grundmann flew Deputy Lead on 42-52546 'Southern Clipper' with crew #033-R0 of the 789th BS.

All 13 aircraft attacked the target. The initial run on the target was "a dud". Issue's with the "Mickey" set (Gee-H ) necessitated a 2nd run on target. The 2nd run was made to the left of the target. The results of the bombing were rated as poor through the 8/10 cloud cover.

No enemy aircraft were seen and no flak was encountered. Another fortunate mission with no aircraft lost or crew casualities.