467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 050 • Evreux/Fauville, France • 12 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:
Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:

Very Good

more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
Airfields and landing grounds in NE France and rail and road bridges on the Brest Peninsula are the top priorities for 8th AF mission #407 because of bad weather over Germany. 1,442 bombers are dispatched against 16 airfields and 6 railroad bridges in the Rennes and St Nazaire area. The 2nd BD dispatched 673 B-24's against the rail and road bridges.

36 aircraft from the Group began take off at 0515. The ships were formed into three squadrons. Assembly was generally good as the three squadrons comprised the 'B' Wing in the Division (flying the high right position on the 458th BG). Division assembly was not as briefed since another Combat Wing of B-17's arrived at the assembly point at the same time as the Group. The 467th opted to bypass the assembly at this point and join the Division in route.

The Lead Squadron was led by Lt. Col. Herzberg, flying with Lt. Sheehan on 42-95273 with crew #061-R0 of the 790th BS. Deputy Lead for this squadron was Capt. Gardner, flying with Lt Ford on 42-95057 'Angel' with crew #052-R0 of the 790th BS. The second squadron was led by Lt. Hooten flying with Lt. Monefeldt on 42-51032 with crew #032-R0 of the 789th BS. Deputy Lead for this squadron was Lt Grundmann on 42-52546 'Southern Clipper' with crew #033-R0 of the 789th BS. The third squadron was led by Lt. Seiler flying with Lt Hanna on 42-94881 with crew #076-R0 of the 791st BS. Deputy Lead for the last squadron was Lt. Grace on 42-95237 'Normandy Queen' with crew #077-R0 of the 791st BS.

The target on this mission was the airfield at Evreux. On the initial bomb run, an "un-briefed" airfield 5 miles short of the target caused momentary mis-identification. A second run was made to establish the Group on the correct target. The results of the attack were rated as very good.

One aircraft, from the first squadron, had mechanical difficulty and did not bomb the target. Most of the bombs were jettisoned. Another aircraft, 41-29348 'Screw Ball' flown by Lt. Cason with crew #046-R0 of the 789th BS, landed away from base.

42-95237 'Normandy Queen', flown by Lt. Grace with crew #077-R0 of the 791st, became the first heavy bomber to land on the continent after the invasion. Just after "bombs away", 'Normandy Queen' was severely damaged by flak. Eight crewmen bailed out safely behind friendly lines. The pilot and co-pilot managed to safely land the ship on a "slash of land" that had just been cleared by the Royal Engineers making an airfield near the beachhead at Caen. All crew members survived. Repairs were made to 'Normandy Queen' and she was returned to the Group at a later date.

Enemy fighters were seen, however, none attacked the formation. Flak was light but was present in unbriefed locations. No aircraft were "permanently" lost and there were no crew casualties.