467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 051 • Beauvoir, France • 14 Jun 44
Mission Info
Primary Target:
Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
Bad weather again covers most strategic targets in Germany. 8th mission #412 was a major effort is against tactical objectives outside of Germany. 1,525 bombers are dispatched hit airfields in France and the Low Countries, construction and supply sites in Northern France, and an oil refinery in Holland. 466 B-24s of the 2nd BD are dispatched to hit airfields at Chateaudun, Orleans/Bricy, Eindhoven and Coxyde. Other B-24's hit an oil refinery in Emmerich and other targets of opportunity.

The 467th dispatched 39 aircraft on this day. The Group formed into three squadrons and (along with one squadron from the 466th BG) led the 'A' Wing of the 96th CBW. Assembly was described as generally good. The route to target was flown as briefed.

The first Squadron was led by Major Wallace. Capt. Garner led the second squadron and Major Palmer led the third squadron.

The target was an airfield at Beauvoir. The bomb run was made by visual means. Some difficulty was had on the run due to poor visibility from heavy cloud cover. The results of the attack were rated as poor.

One aircraft, 41-29373 'Flak Magnet / The Monster' flown by Lt. McKay with crew #043-R0 of the 789th BS, required an engine change upon return to base.

No enemy aircraft were encountered. The flak was was described as moderate and accurate over the target. No aircraft or crew losses occured.