467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 197 • Leipheim, Germany • 19 Mar 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #896: A variety of targets including industrial sites, marshalling yards and airfields were assigned the 8th AF despatching 1273, with the 2AD despatching 341 ships to target three airfields. The 96CBW were assigned to target the airfield at Leipheim.

The 467th led the Wing providing 29 ships in three squadrons.

Lead Crews departed Rackheath at 1010hours in what was expected to be a mission lasting in excess of 8 hours.

Leading the 467th and Wing was Maj Conley with the Capt Elliott Crew#095-R1 aboard "Lucky 'Leven" 44-48820, deputy lead was Maj Kuhn with Lt Barry Crew#091-R3 aboard 42-51832. Second squadron was led by Lt Moseley Crew#089-R6 aboard 42-51671, with third squadron led by Capt Ridgeway with Lt Holum Crew#088-R2 aboard 44-48860.

Weather conditions were good for the mission and assembly and the briefed route was followed with little problem. All squadrons were able to bomb visually at 1445hours from 19,000ft with the Groups' results rated as excellent with observed "hits" on hangars the assigned MPI, and other hits in the close vicinity. 28 of the 467th ships bombed the primary with one ship reported to have attacked with the 448th Group. No flak was encountered at the target or enemy fighters.

All 29 ships returned safely to Rackheath with no loss or damage. Fighter support was very good.

Additional comment: Pilot Lt Ken Close, Crew#033-R1, 789th Sq.

"...Twenty Ninth Mission - hit aircraft (Me-262 jets, plant and hangar at Leipheim. Up at 8:15, assembled over the continent near Liege. Carried 10x 500lb general purpose bombs, no flak at target (didn't see one burst all day), 2700 gallons of gas topped off. Logged three hours of instruments, but visual at target, and excellent bombing. Actually saw either our squadrons bombs or those of our third squadron (we were second in) bursting right on the hangars (which were the MPI), and it sure is quite a sight. Another late start - 1030 take-off..."