467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 205 • Wilhelmshaven, Germany • 30 Mar 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

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Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #918: 1402 bombers dispatched to targets connected with U-boat construction or operation at Hamburg, Bremen, and Wilhelmshaven. The 2AD sent a force of 382 bombers to target Naval dockyards at Wilhelmshaven.

The 466th led the Wing with the 467th flying high left in three squadrons comprising 29 ships.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 1015hours.

Leading was Capt Sturgis with the Capt Wild Crew#078-R1 aboard 44-49340, deputy lead was Lt Holum Crew#088-R2 aboard "Lucky 'Leven" 44-48820. Second squadron was led by Lt Scott Crew#090-R3 aboard 44-48860 and third squadron led by Capt Voyles with the Lt Barry Crew#091- R3 aboard 44-49591.

Group and Wing assemblies were good and the briefed route followed closely with only minor deviations, one of which was at the IP. Course was resumed however, the 789th Lt Close Crew#033-R1 having made an early return due to a mechanical issue leaving the 467th with 28 attacking ships. At the target was partial cloud judged at 7/10ths but squadrons bombed visually from 22,500ft at 1332hrs. Results unobserved due cloud cover. Meager inaccurate flak was encountered in the target area but no enemy aircraft were seen.

All 28 Group ships returned to Rackheath with no loss or damage. Fighter support was good to excellent.

Additional comment: John Shirk Bombardier

".....22nd mission - Wilhelmshaven. Friday March 30 1945. Time - 6 hours. Target - Docks (Naval). Bomb load 2x 1000lb GP = 2000lbs. Today we led the second squadron. The mission wasn't too bad and we expected a lot worse. It was a long over water mission, in fact most of it was over water. As soon as we hit land they started shooting at us then there was a 5 to 7/10ths cloud coverage which made things a bit worse. We made an H2X run with a visual assist. Our squadron came closer than any of the other squadrons. Then we had a lot of weather coming home and went down on the deck....."