467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 210 • Krummel, Germany • 07 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #931: 1314 bombers dispatched to a variety of targets including enemy airfields, marshalling yards and an oil storage depot. The 2AD sent 340 aircraft to target two munitions factories and a marshalling yard, the 467th with the 96CBW were assigned to attack the munitions factory at Krummel.

The 467th dispatched 37 ships in four squadrons, and assigned to lead the 96CBW.
The lead crews departed Rackheath at 0855hours and were 20 minutes late than the briefed time over the target. Bombing was visual at 1305hours from 18,000ft.

Lt Col Wallace led the Wing with the Capt Wild Crew#078-R1 aboard 44-49340, deputy wing lead was Capt Severance with Lt Sawyer Crew#084-R3 aboard 44-48852. Second squadron was led by Lt Jensen Crew#086-R4 aboard 42-51832, while third squadron was flown by Capt Voyles with Lt McCabe Crew#081-R4 aboard 42-51671 with forth squadron led by Lt Watson Crew#085-R2 aboard "Lucky 'Leven" 44-48820.

The forth squadron bombed with "C" group of the 96CBW composed of one squadron of the 458th, two of the 466th, and one of the 467th. Each attacking squadron faced difficulties on the bomb run. Lead Bombardier, second squadron was unable to kill drift completely because of cloud cover over target with bombs hitting left of MPI. The lead of the third squadron aborted to the deputy lead because the stabilizer on the bomb-sight was out. Despite this, results were good with concentrated patterns near MPI.

Just before target, one Me-109, blue-grey with German crosses on wing and tail attacked No.5 in the lead squadron (Lt Winger Crew#031-R3 aboard "Sack Time" 42-94931) from 6'o'clock high. Enemy aircraft was struck by several ships as it came in (lost control) and struck the right stabilizer of #931 knocking off the right fin and rudder and the right half of the stabilizer and elevator. The Me-109 cart-wheeled over the fuselage of #931 from right to left with several crews reporting pilot was slumped forward in the cockpit. #931 left the formation in a slow turn but under control. Fighter escort was provided and the crew eventually elected to abandon the ship over Belgium.

One 458th ship reported to have bombed with the 467th. No other 467th ships lost or damaged with all crews returning to Rackheath with the Winger crew later reported safe and well on the continent.