467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 212 • Lechfeld, Germany • 09 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


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Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #935: 1252 bombers dispatched to a variety of targets including enemy airfields and an underground oil storage depot. The 2AD sent 402 aircraft to target airfields, the 467th with the 96CBW were assigned to attack Lechfeld airfield.

The 467th dispatched 38 ships in four squadrons, with two squadron elements grouped as "A" and "B" wing. Assembly and route was as briefed in good weather with no reported problems.

The lead crews departed Rackheath at 1225hours and bombing was made visually at 1736hours from 21,000ft.

Capt Severance led the "A" Wing first squadron with the Lt Williams Crew#080-R3 aboard 44- 49340, deputy lead was Capt Voyles with Lt Patton Crew#087-R6 aboard 42-51832. Second squadron was led by Lt Watson Crew#085-R2 aboard 44-49513. "B" Wing was led by Capt Jerome with Lt Sawyer Crew#084-R3 aboard "Lucky 'leven" 44-48820 and the second squadron was led by Lt Holum Crew#088-R2 aboard 42-50949.

All 38 ships were effective bombing visually with excellent results showing concentrated patterns on the MPI and scattered patterns across the MPI and area to west. Meager flak was reported at the target and an aircraft from the leading 458th was struck with crews reporting 4-6 chutes from the 458th ship. All 467th ships returned safely with no loss or damage. Fighter support reported as good.