467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 219 • Zweisel, Germany • 20 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #962: 837 Bombers despatched to rail targets in the Berlin area and Czechoslovakia. 2 AD despatched 223 aircraft to marshalling yards at Zwiesel, Muhldorf, Irrenlohe and Klatovy. The 467th and 458th were assigned the target at Zwiesel with 56 effective.

The 467th led the Wing on this mission in three squadrons made up of 27 aircraft THe Group flew as a composite formation with the 458th BG..

Take-off commenced at 0720 hours, assembly and planned route as briefed on time with the Group bombing visually from 18,500ft in excellent weather throughout.

Major Taylor led the first squadron and wing with Captain Scott Crew#090-R3 791st, aboard 44- 49591. Deputy Lead was flown by Captain Voyles with Captain Jensen Crew#086-R4 in 44-50674. Second Squadron was led Lt. Patton Crew#087-R6 in 42-51832, while Captain Jerome led the third squadron with Lt. McCabe Crew#081-R4.

26 successfully attacked the target visually with SAVs showing outstanding to very good bombing with almost all bombs falling within 500ft of the MPI and hits on bridge. The 788th Lt Neel Crew#014-R3 aboard "Rosalyn" 44-10601 lost an engine shortly before the IP and left the formation. They bombed a target of opportunity, a train, at 4850N 1259E from 13,000ft before landing on the continent safely.

The remaining 26 returned to Rackheath completing an 8 hour mission with no damage or loss and no flak was encountered. Fighter support reported as good.

Bombardier John Shirk of the 791st BS, flying his 26th and final mission wrote the following when he returned to base...

"...We led the wing today and the amazing part was that we did a good job. Our bombing was the best ever done by our group and I believe the best done by the 8th Air Force. All bombs were within 500 feet but 4 and they were within 700 feet....."