467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mission # 220 • Salzburg, Austria • 21 Apr 45
Mission Info
Primary Target:

Secondary Target:

Target Attacked:
Credited Mission:


more info available on Research Site
Mission Narrative
8th AF Mission #963: 532 Bombers despatched to airfields associated with jet fighter use and rail targets in SE Germany. 2 AD dispatched 186 aircraft to marshaling yards and railroad bridge at Salzburg. Bomb Groups participating were the 20CBW and 389BG, 466BG and 467thBG.

Take-off commenced at 0640 hours, with 27 assigned aircraft in three squadrons of 9. Assembly Area took place on the continent and the mission adhered to the briefed route.
Major Seiler led the Lead and First Squadron flying with Lt. Barry Crew #091-R3 of the 791st, aboard 44-50325. Deputy Lead was flown by Lt Wheelock with Crew #082-R4 of the 791st in 44-50156. Second Squadron was led by Lt. Holum with Crew #088-R2 of the 791st in 44-49591, while Lt. Spencer led the third squadron with Lt. Meyer and crew #077- R5 of the 791st aboard 42-51832.

At 1032 hours in the vicinity of Regensburg at 4959N-1218E on the advice of weather scouts, the mission was abandoned due to reported 10/10 cloud obscuring the target area. The entire 2 BD made a 180 degree turn and set course back to base. It was also in this area that some meager to moderate flak was reported but inaccurate.

26 aircraft returned safely to Rackheath with no damage or loss One ship, 44-40140 'Alice', flown by Lt. Brasier with crew #021-R5 of the 788th BS landed on the continent due to being low on gas but returned to Rackheath later that day.