467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum Memorials

The Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum in Savannah Ga. was opened in May 1996. Members of the 467th BG(H) were solely responsible for contributing the 1/6 scale model of the B-24 (painted to represent 'Witchcraft') shortly after the museums opening (see 'Mighty 8th AF Museum B24 Sculpture' page).

By 1997, a Memorial Garden had been built at the museum. Initially, it was suggested the members of the 467th BG make a donation and have their names engraved on a panel to be placed in the Garden. There was also the option to have a "Crew Plaque", identifying the members of an individual crew, placed in the Garden. Many members of the Group did donate to the Memorial Garden.

In 1998, the Group initiated a fund raising drive to have a replica monument, similar to the one erected at Rackheath, installed in the Memorial Garden. Support for this project was outstanding and the amount raised exceeded the amount required. The additional funds were designated to be used for a Memorial Plaque to honor the three Lead Bombardier's of the Pointe de Grave mission of 14 Apr 45 (in which the Group set the 8th AF record for bombing accuracy). The monument was dedicated on 23 Oct 99 along with the Bombardier's marker.

On 15 Oct 2001, the Group lost it's Commanding Officer, Colonel Albert J. Shower. It was decided shortly afterward that the Group would install a memorial marker in the Garden in his honor. Once again, the response was outstanding. With some of the additional funds, it was decided to have another plaque made for display at the 2nd Air Division Memorial Library in Norwich, England. In addition, a $1,000 donation was made to the Collings Foundation to have the Colonel's name moved from the DFC area on their B-24, to the cockpit area. The remaining funds were divided between the Mighty Eighth Museum and the 2nd AD Museum for book endowments.

Over the years, many members of the Group have had memorials placed in the Memorial Garden. Here's a partial list of known memorials:

Monument - 467th BG(H)
Monument - Col. Albert Shower
Plaque - Col. Albert Shower
Crew Plaque - Crew #050 (Ross Voyles)
Crew Plaque - Crew #024 (Walter Bullen)
Crew Plaque - Crew #042 (Delbert Mann)
Crew Plaque - Crew #057 (Marvin Davis)
Crew Plaque - Crew #058 (Robert McKenzie)
Crew Plaque - Crew #058 (Frank Watson)
Crew Plaque - Crew #083 (Blackwell Dunnam)
Crew Plaque - Crew #090 (Russel Scott)
Plaque - Roger L Leister
Plaque - Charles Patnesky
Plaque - Raymond J Bechtold
Memorial Bench - John L Horne