467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Air Force Academy B24 Sculpture Memorial

In the Winter 1996 2nd ADA "Journal", then President Neal Sorensen presented to that Association the opportunity to provide a bronze statue of a B-24 to the US Air Force Academy. The statue would join other statues of WWII aircraft on the Academy's 'Honor Court'.

By early spring 1998, the work by sculptor Robert Henderson was underway. The 467th BG Association was a huge contributor with this endeavor. A wooden model had to first be built to be used as a casting mold. The 467th BG Association contributed the $25,000 to have the wooden model built. This model was to be then used at the Nation Museum of the Mighty Eighth in Savannah (see 'Mighty 8th AF Museum B24 Sculpture' for further details).

On 25 Sept 1998, the statue was dedicated. The major contributors from the 467th BG, who have their names engraved on the bronze plaque placed below the sculpture, are:

Shower, Albert J, Col., Commanding Officer
Betcher, Raymond A, SGT., 790th BS
Brinkman, Merle J, T/SGT., 791st BS
Dashrup, Evan L, Lt. Col., 791st BS
Davis, Marvin Ralph, Lt. 790th BS,
Dong, George Y, S/Sgt., 790th BS BS
Giesecke, Walter R, Maj, 467th HQ
Holdrege, Fred E, Col, 790th BS
Kurtz, Clarence P, S/Sgt, 788th BS
Malone, Maurice L, S/Sgt, 812th AES
Mann, Delbert M, Lt, 789th BS
Mundy, Walter J, S/Sgt, 789th BS
Pippenger, James C, Lt, 789th BS
Prichard, Arthur L (Art), Lt Col, 791st BS
Ramirez, Joe R, M/Sgt, 790th BS
Re, Vincent C, S/Sgt, 790th BS
Sheehan, RObert D, Capt, 790th BS
Sherrard, James L, Lt Col, 791st BS
Traicoff, Alexander S, S/Sgt, 791st BS
Watson, Frank S, Lt Col, 789th BS

*Special thanks to Mark Coffey, son of James G Coffey, Pilot, 790th BS for providing information on contributors.