467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Air Force Museum Memorials

The origins of this memorial are a bit "elusive". It was noted in the 31 Mar 1983 POOP that funds of $1,500 were being used to establish a memorial at the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson in Dayton, OH. Additional funds were generated from the Members of the Group through donations and reunion fees.

The 467th BG (H) decided to hold a separate reunion from the 2nd Air Division Association, who were holding their annual reunion in Norwich, England, to attend the special dedication ceremony being held on 07 Oct 1983. A spectacular turnout was had from 467th BG veterans. Nearly 160 veterans attended in the largest gathering of 467th BG personnel since the war.

The memorial consists of a bronze memorial plaque, on a concrete pedestal, placed in front of a newly planted "long-lived, perpetually cared for" tree. An Air Force Color Guard presented the flags of the United States and Air Force, and after a psalm reading by 467th BG veteran and Historian Phillip Day, Col Shower addressed the large gathering.

While this ceremony was occurring, an identical memorial was being dedicated in Rackheath Village in Norwich, England. The Reverend Martain Benians, Rector of Holy Trinity Church was the officiant for this ceremony. David Hastings (a long standing supporter of the 467th BG) and Brian Tagg (Chairman of the Rackheath Parish Council) assisted with the ceremony.