467th Bombardment Group (H)
Official Web Site
Rackheath Memorial Marker

At the 1988 467th BG reunion in Fort Worth, TX it was decided by the Board of Directors of the Association to erect a historical marker on a plot of ground to be deeded to the Association on the former Tech Site of Station 145, Rackheath.

On 29 July 1990, during a 2nd AD Association reunion, the Memorial to the 467th BG was dedicated. It is situated at Rackheath Industrial Park (Wendover Road) on land conveyed by Robert Lomax. A Memorial Trust Fund was established by the Association to help maintain the Memorial.

The ownership of the land the Marker resides on was transfered from the Association to the Rackheath Parish Council in 2012. There are currently plans to develop the farm land the old landing strips occupy. Among the plans for this redevelopment is a "Memorial Park" dedicated to the memory of the 467th BG where the Memorial Marker may be moved.

The Association gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their efforts in bringing the Memorial Marker to completion:

Geoffry Gregory
David and Jean Hastings
Roger Hastings
D. D. J. Bates
Robert Lomax
David and Philip Jeans
David Newberry
Keith Coxhall
1989 467th BG Association Officers and Directors
and many other friends of the Group in England and the US.